Foster children are not disposable.
Help by giving them a sense of dignity.
Foster children are not disposable.
Help by giving them a sense of dignity.
Since 2002, we have partnered with the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) – Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). We have collected and distributed over 83,000 age-appropriate totes and essential care items to more than 10,000 foster children within Georgia's foster care system.
Georgia Cancer Specialists learned about the plight of Georgia’s foster children from the story of one of our employees whose foster child arrived with all of his personal possessions stuffed in a garbage bag. His few clothes, toys, toothbrush, were just thrown in together, and a couple of his toys were even broken. As a mother, she wondered what kind of message that sent the child about his importance. This only emphasizes how de-valued and disposable the child felt. Her telling of this story, and the desire of many of our staff to participate in a community service project in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the start of Totes to Tots non-profit organization.
We are committed to provide foster children with dignity and hope as they keep and carry their possessions in a permanent mechanism during their stay within the system.
We are passionate about the mental wellbeing of foster children and youth. As such, we strive to eliminate the stigma and unforeseen circumstances they encounter, by providing them with meaningful essential care items and services.
Our goal is paramount by helping to provide a healthier welfare and being for children and youth within the foster care system.
We would like to give a special thanks to DeKalb Association of Realtors for their very generous donations, which helps one foster child at a time in crisis.
A very special thank you to the Community Management Associates Inc., neighbor's helping neighbor's for your sacrifice and generous support you provided the foster children of Georgia.
A very special thank you to all Georgia Retired Educators for your sacrifice and generous support you provided the foster children in your local community
Your support and contribution will enable us to meet our goal and improve conditions for Georgia's foster children.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.
Office number: 678-751-2104
All in-kind donations, can be directly accepted at any of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) – Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) locations convenient to you. See link below.